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The Sniffles For Bear (2011)

by Bonny Becker(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 2
076364756X (ISBN13: 9780763647568)
review 1: 5 STARS! The Sniffles for Bear written by Bonny Becker and illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton is a funny and heartwarming story about a melodramatic bear getting a cold and his friend mouse coming to his aid. Bear thinks no one has ever been as sick as he is. Mouse thinks a little cheer and company will do the trick. There are a few laugh out loud moments when Bear reacts to Mouse singing and mouse a little too eager to help him with his last will and testament. Poor Bear. Mouse sticks with him and continues to care for him all the way to the next morning when it's mouse's turn to need care. The two are an Odd Couple type duo and the read may be disturbing because of the "I may not be long for this world" talk, but I loved it. My 4 year old loved it.
review 2:... more> I haven't really run across that many picture books that are about having a cold and this one takes a humorous approach that had me laughing out loud. The bear who is sick is making a dramatic big deal about having a cold (sounds like a few people I know), and his friend Mouse is trying to put a positive spin on things until he "finally understands the gravity of the situation" and helps Bear write his will. less
Reviews (see all)
We enjoy reading this one, but it isn't as captivating as a visitor for bear.
Great book to read for kids when they are sick! I thought it was cute!
re read May 2014
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