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Bluehour (2012)

by Brighton Hill(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 5
Smashwords Edition
review 1: Satu lagi ebook gratisan yang gue download di google play book. Gue rasa tahun 2014 ini adalah tahunnya gue ngeabuse ebook gratisan yang bisa gue temukan. Sebagai kompensasi bahwa ada banyak prioritas lain yang harus gue penuhi kewajibannya jadi harus potong budget buat belanja buku sampe habis-habisan.Anyway, INI BUKU JEPLAK BANGET DEH AMA TWILIGHT.Setting aja beda. Nyesel gue ngedownloadnya dan ngebaca ampe akhir. Untung gue pake paket unlimited. Jadi ngga rugi kuota. Eh rugi juga sih. Ish.Yang mau baca, ya ini mah jeplakannya twilight buku pertama. Bedanya yang itu sekumpulan vampire, yang ini segerombolan dugong-dugong. Udah sih, gitu doang. Oh satu lagi, covernya juga enggak banget. Embak-embak nyenderan di dinding gua pake gaun warna pink yang ujung kaki gaunnya dije... morembrengin biar mirip ekor ikan tongkol..Duh ini rating bintang ga bisa aja apa nih dipotong jadi 1/28? Gengges ih.
review 2: I was very into it then realized it was basically twilight with mermaids but I still loved it. as I approached the End I was disappointed it kept repeatedly going over the same things and rushed the relationship then ended dissapointingly and left you hanging I realized it was a series and the second book doesn't even look like dawn and Laurent are in it... that disappointed me too. I doubt ill be buying bluedawn. has anyone else read the series ? Do you hear more of dawn ? is it worth the read? less
Reviews (see all)
you will fall in love with these addicting books and characters you cant help but love and root fo
It reminds me of Twilight when reading. But was interesting. Specially about Mer people..
The story dragged. I liked the mermaids plot but just couldn't get into the it.
Wonderful book
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