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Me, Him, Them, & It (2013)

by Caela Carter(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 5
1599909588 (ISBN13: 9781599909585)
review 1: Realistic. Most well written, relatable inner monologue I've read this year. A perfect example of when divorce > a broken marriage. A perfect example of when wrapping yourself up in a cocoon & avoiding thinking and/or talking about your problems - keeping silent through a haze of pain - will only lead to internal rot. A book that will make you appreciate whatever - and whomever - you have in your own life.
review 2: This book is as real as it could. I like how she acts her age and be so mature at the same time. I hate Todd but I guess he's just as confuse as anyone that would be on that situation. I kinda hate the ending but I like the plot. It was full of emotions. The entire book made me realize that sometimes things don't go the way we wanted because we nee
... moreded something else. Doesn't mean we never could have it anyway. Just in the right time. less
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This book was so amazing. I cried way too much though.
Kind of a different book, not really a fan.
One of the best books I've read in years!!
How do I read the book?!?!?!?
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