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Seduction And Surrender (2014)

by Cali MacKay(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 5
Daeron Press
The Billionaire's Temptation
review 1: I loved Cali's Highlander series, so I picked this up as a freebie on Amazon. I'm not generally a big fan of erotica, but this book still had a lot of the great qualities I enjoyed about Cali's other books. I enjoyed the romance part of this book, and there was just enough suspense to keep things interesting. As another reviewer mentioned, this book is a great "escape" read even if some aspects of the plot may not be the most believable.Overall, I enjoyed this story. While this story doesn't necessarily end in a cliffhanger, the ending leads into book 2. I'm excited to continue with this series!
review 2: I was going to complain that this is the kind of book that just ruins reality for women who read romance novels--perfect rich guy, not quite the arsehole he s
... moreeems, conquers feisty, independent anti-model with just a brief hiccough in the middle... Then the damned thing ended in the middle of e story. Ugh. The only thing I dislike more than romance novels are free books designed more to sell more books rather than to tell a good story. Must pay more attention and avoid clicking on anything that hints at a series. less
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This was a fast fun read, not a lot of substance but enjoyed it just the same.
wow. this is a great book.. Loved the story really recommend this one..
Well hello cliffhanger ending....Need to read the next one :)
Where is 2!!!!
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