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When You Lie About Your Age, The Terrosists Win (2009)

by Carol Leifer(Favorite Author)
3.08 of 5 Votes: 3
1615749411 (ISBN13: 9781615749416)
Phoenix Audiobooks
review 1: This book was so bad that even though I facilitate the book group that picked this book to read, I decided not to finish it. I don't like comedy that takes shortcuts with stereotypes, overgeneralizations, etc. and this book did that and did it poorly. It was a collection of globalized generalizations that conveyed very little actual introspection and was just plain annoying. The only reason why I'll ever even remember this book is because I met my soon to be wife (she also hated the book).
review 2: Probably more relevant for my mom's generation, but an entertaining read all the same. The only thing that bugged me was that she took a chapter to (somewhat jokingly) scold younger women for not getting more involved in women's issues (I wonder if she would still
... moresay that post-Sandra Fluke) yet in various places throughout the book she was rather outspoken about her own lack of interest other important issues. And some of her language wasn't particularly pro-women (or pro-change-our-expectations-of-all-humans-to make-things-better). I get that she's human like the rest of us, but it bothered me because she went out of her way to write that particular chapter.Take that chapter away, and it's a completely entertaining book from a 50+ year old perspective. less
Reviews (see all)
Hilarious! I loved it! A few times I laughed to the point of tears!
I found it interesting, funny and thought provoking.
Very funny, witty comedian!
Funny bits & crying bits.
Local girl makes good.
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