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Anthem For Jackson Dawes (2013)

by Celia Bryce(Favorite Author)
3.5 of 5 Votes: 3
1599909758 (ISBN13: 9781599909752)
Bloomsbury USA Childrens
review 1: I really struggled to connect wiyh this book, I suspect mostly because I had recently read and loved 'The Fault in our Stars' which supasses this book by far. I just really didn't find a connection to the characters and struggled to see the connection between them as these 2 young teens in love. It just lacked that substance and depth to make it believable and I didn't feel there was enough background on yhe characters and there conditions. It did intrigue me enough to keep me reading however I think this was due to my hopes some significant aspect would appear in the plot. However it remained predictable and left too many gaps untold. That said it would be good for youths who need something a bit gentler than The Fault in our Stars and is an easy ... moreread.
review 2: While I did think this book was alright, there were a few things that could've been done better. Throughout the story I never really felt connected to any of the characters. I felt that they were fairly one dimensional and didn't give me any reasons to care about them that much. As charming as Jackson was, it never really got into his character, such as what he felt and his background. As nice as Megan was, her character was simply the average teenage cancer patient. I felt that this book was all about actions instead of feelings and depth. Admittedly, the ending made me tear up a little (for reasons I won't go into because of spoilers), but other than that I just felt that this book was "alright". I didn't MIND reading it, but given the chance, I would've picked a different book to read instead. less
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Good very sweet but half way through the book i read the front cover again! it was a big mistake!
The fault in our stars for younger readers. Really lovely
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