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Last Train To Babylon: A Novel (2014)

by Charlee Fam(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
0062328077 (ISBN13: 9780062328076)
William Morrow Paperbacks
review 1: I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing. I can't say I really enjoyed this book - it was so dark and generally depressing. None of the characters were very likable. Even once you knew the cause of Aubrey's drinking and attitude she still did not become a sympathetic character. It baffled me that Aubrey stayed friends with Rachel for so long when it seemed like she was nothing but awful to her and that Aubrey's mother, a middle school guidance counselor, knew nothing about her daughter's issues. For a first time novelist, Charlee Fam did a good job - I think it was just the subject matter that did not appeal to me.
review 2: This was a DNF for me. I read through the prologue and though to myself WTF is this some book book filled with angsty teenage poe
... moretry... The main character was a snarky witch. She comes across as a spoiled, ungrateful, hateful snot who doesn't appreciate anything and is all pity me. I tried to like some of the other characters but it bounces around so much I felt like I had whiplash. After about five chapters I tried to skim through to find a point where I could pick it back up but I never did. I was somewhat curious in the beginning over what happened with Rachel and Adam but by the mid point it was more painful to keep going just to find out. less
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Written well, easy read and kept me interested. Love this author!
Received from 20somethingreads.com and reviewed for them as well.
A whiny asshole complains about other whiny assholes. AWFUL.
Different, but kind of weird.
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