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Wrecker (2000)

by Dave Conifer(Favorite Author)
3.35 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: This book was ok nothing exceptional about it at all. It was really irritating how long the Jane took to realize that Creedmore and Manteo were the same person. I figured it out when she followed him home the first time. To drag it out for more than half the book made me feel the author thinks I'm slow or something. Jane was also very dumb, she wouldn't try to escape to where there were lots of people who may help her, no she's got to go to the deserted parking garage and try to reach her car. It's AC find the nearest police officer and get some help for crying out loud. Then if she'd done that the book would've end much sooner and my misery.
review 2: This novel starts out slowly with a typical overworked couple. Jane is a nurse and mom to a 4 yr old daughter
... more named Allie. Jane's husband Steve is a computer programmer. He takes his wife for granted, mostly ignores his daughter and decides unilaterally that there will be no more children. Eddie is Steve's best friend and serves as Steve's conscience. Eddie tells Steve he needs to appreciate his wife and treat her better or he'll lose her. Steve isn't paying attention. Lots of things are going very wrong at work at a time when he is up for a promotion. Steve blames everyone but himself and eventually is unemployed. Before losing his job he decides to get some of the many jobs needing to be done at their house started on. He's at Home Depot asking how to do various things when he is introduced to Ron Mateo - a huge caveman type who Steve is told can do anything for a reasonable price. When Steve hears how reasonable he hires Ron to do the work. Jane is uncomfortable around Ron and fears for Allie's safety. But he is kind to Allie, pays attention to her. Jane begins to suspect that Ron got his huge muscles with the aid of steroids and his frequent headaches and times he just doesn't seem himself seem to validate her suspicions. But nothing is as it seems. Ron Mateo is someone else and he has an agenda other than helping Steve and Jane with their home repairs. I can't say much more without giving the story away. But there were twists and turns I just did not see coming. Anyone who likes twists and turns, thrillers, stories of dysfunctional families, and a good story, would enjoy this novel. less
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Not usually my type of book but I really enjoyed this book.
Surprisingly, I enjoyed the book. And, at 89cts only....
Not logical at all. Not my cup of tea.
The ultimate thriller!
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