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The Shimmering Blond Sister: A Berger And Mitry Mystery (2010)

by David Handler(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 1
0312574851 (ISBN13: 9780312574857)
Minotaur Books
Berger and Mitry
review 1: I enjoyed this a lot. Mitch has come into his own and there aren't so many references to the racial differences, I was finding them a bit of a drag. The ending took me by surprise although I feel like it shouldn't have, could be because I'm on holiday! I'm also pleased Yolie might have met someone and Rico gets to be a dad. It's nice that the characters are actually moving on like real people.
review 2: Quiet Dorset is having a crime wave--a flasher has been bothering the wealthy matrons of the town. Now a man is dead, and no one is sure whether he was the flasher, killed by one of his victims, or was on the track of the flasher, who killed him to avoid exposure. Resident state trooper Des Mitry and her boyfriend, movie critic Mitch Berger, are outskirts
... moreof the investigation, since Des and the murdered man had a very public quarrel the day before his death. But a New York City policeman appears at Mitch's door with an entirely different idea about the murder, an idea that will shake up Mitch's relationship with old friends. less
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Did not grab me....gave it up for another time to read perhaps.
A nice, easy summer afternoon on the deck read.
I rated it 4 but it was more like 3.5.
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