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When I Find You (2013)

by Dixie Lee Brown(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 3
0062273884 (ISBN13: 9780062273888)
Avon Impulse
Trust No One
review 1: I'm on a Romantic Suspense kick right now and I thought this book looked like it would be really good. Well, it dragged on and on and on, I didn't think it would ever end. The h really was too stupid to live and in fact I was hoping during one of the many idiotic things that she did to put herself in danger that she would actually end up dead so that the H could go on to someone worth being with. The 2 stars is for Walker. I really liked him and thought he deserved a much better h than the one he was stuck with.
review 2: The heroine was a textbook case of TSTL and irritated the heck out of me. Just some examples are:1. She hears someone break into her bosses house & hears gunshots but does not call the police. WTF? Yes hiding and then running were valid ch
... moreoices but why would you not also call the police.2. She is ON THE RUN from a mob killer and she accepts a ride from a STRANGER she met on the plane.3.She is has asked the hero ( a professional) to protect her ( turning down the US marshal's service)yet seldom does what he says.4. Her back story - she was raped as a teenager but never told anyone including her POLICEMAN father because she was worried what he might do. umm possibly arrest the a-hole? Every time I would think - ok just go with it she would do something else that made we want to slap some sense into her. less
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