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Task Force One: Dani's Got A Gun (2012)

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer(Favorite Author)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 2
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
The Men of Five-0
review 1: I should probably preface this review by saying that I really enjoy this author’s work but I get so damn frustrated with her! This book is a perfect example of why: interesting ideas, none fleshed out; seemingly strong and independent heroine, turns into completely submissive chicken nugget the second one of her mates tells her what to do. It’s incredibly frustrating. That having been said, I really do think that if the author had weeded out some of the unnecessary plot devices – like Jack, the supposed booty call, who’s presence doesn’t seem to have much point other than establishing that Dani’s not a virgin – and played up the plot points that were left behind – like Dani’s healing ability and the serial killer case – this could have easily been a rea... morelly fantastic ménage erotica. Unfortunately, the author seemed to get tangled in a web of her own ideas. I mean, really, she should have thrown out at least three of the storylines and this still would have been great. Better, even, because it would have given the entire story more focus and given us readers more time to enjoy the fact that Dani has a group of very alpha men all clamoring for her affections.This brings me to the men: they were all fairly interchangeable and treated Dani like a possession rather than their mate. That might work for some people but I just do NOT believe that someone who’s supposed to be as strong and independent as Dani would have put up with it. The worst of the offenders was, in my opinion, the vampire of the group since he tended to just mind-whammy (usually as a prelude to sex) Dani whenever she was showing any of her former independence – or, you know, just because apparently. Didn’t sit well with me at all.Anyhow, though, like I said before, I do enjoy this author’s work and her storytelling skills have definitely improved since the first of series, I just wish she’d keep her strong female characters…well, strong.
review 2: This book was slightly hard to rate. Part of me wanted to give it three stars while the other part wanted four. In the end I settled on three because while on one hand it pushed all the right buttons, it also pushed several wrong...When writing a story involving so many characters it is hard to juggle face time and this is felt. The only guy I really felt a connection to was Randolph which is slightly ironic in that he was written as the strong, silent, broody type and so didn't really say too much. Despite this I liked him the best while feeling as though Miele had the least face time. Too it's not always a good idea to have main characters with similar names. Two of the brothers had 'B' names: Bently and Baher; while the Alpha of them was named Van and the sixth, a vampire, was named Vanderlan. There was more than one time when I got confused with who was doing what, especially in the scene involving Van and Vanderlan with Danni.As for Danni, she is pretty much an object in this story. Sure, she's told that she's loved and she responds back that she loves each of the men but there doesn't seem to be a reason for her to. These guys time after time end up using sex to manipulate Danni in to doing or thinking what they want. She goes from being alone and responsible to herself to the guys acting as if she can't sneeze without someone there to protect her from the evils of dust. This woman is not spun glass and yet the men have doubts about her being able to handle her own guns. And each time she mentions wanting to help out with HER investigation they tell her no and attempt to distract her with sex. She mentions several times that they are treating her like a prisoner and they were. Their protests that, no, they were only trying to protect her were not convincing. There's even one point where one of the guys starts blaming the other for being too soft because he agreed to allowing her to go to her home (with a complete escort of every one of the six guys) and she got injured. This is why the ending wasn't too convincing. You can't spend most of the book screaming that the men will never accept Danni working in law enforcement only to have the last few sentences state something completely different...All of the "important" scenes were well written though so I'll probably be reading more of Dixie Lynn Dwyer in the future. less
Reviews (see all)
I loved this book. The best one in the entire series. They just get better and better.
I've enjoyed reading this series. Wish they were more.
Loved it! Another great book by Dixie Lynn Dwyer!
Another awesome book
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