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Wicked Sense (2012)

by Fabio Bueno(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 3
098587791X (ISBN13: 9780985877910)
Booklings Publishing
review 1: Good story good writing and it def kept me guessing. Another delightful surprise was that Bueno did a great job of capturing the general aura of high school. All of the characters personalities were quite believable, I remember having a few friends that reminded me of a character or two (Sean, Boulder, Priscilla) I’m looking forward to continuing this series. I hope Skye becomes even more amazing. I hope Conner gets what he deserves cause as Pri so eloquently put it, he definitely falls under the douche bag category. I recommend this for anyone who is looking for a fun YA Witchy Read!My Rating4.0 London, New York, Lake, Fallen Tree, Pool Incident, Blinding Potion, Silver Tattoo, Warning, First Kiss, Heart Attack, Earthquake, Fire, Coma, Secrets, Young Love Filled Stars! ... moreFor fans of Paranormal YA this one’s for you!
review 2: Perhaps because the alternating POV chapters were so very short, I never felt there was enough time to get into the headspaces of either lead character. Skye and Drake were both quite bland. The secondary characters (especially Priscilla, Boulder, Mona, and even the evil Jane) were far more interesting. Skye and Drake's hot/cold romance gave me whiplash, and there was far too much of it where I would have liked to learn more about the witchy magic stuff. This novel also had a lot of mixed messages about sexual morality, mostly validating teenage sexual autonomy, but with a dose of slut-shaming and an underlying sense that only girls, not boys, can really be victims of sexual aggression or manipulation.The writing wasn't bad, though once I noticed how short and clipped all of the sentences were, pretty much all the time, I couldn't un-notice it. I kept reading because I wanted to find out who the "Singularity" would turn out to be, and because I enjoyed the way that Bueno depicted Seattle. But otherwise there wasn't much in this for me.I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley. less
Reviews (see all)
Smart, fun and supernatural. Fabio Bueno makes high school a wicked adventure!
It was great, I loved it and I was surprised on everything
3 1/2 stars- review to come September 17
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