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Agnes's Jacket: A Psychologist's Search For The Meanings Of Madness (2009)

by Gail A. Hornstein(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
1594865442 (ISBN13: 9781594865442)
Rodale Books
review 1: This book needs to be read widely by anyone whose life has been affected by mental illness, who has known someone with a mental illness, or who is interested in the mental health system. It offers an alternative way of looking at mental illness - one that is not motivated by fear or profit, but rather by a genuine interest in the illness and the patient. My one criticism is the author's complete rejection of there ever being biological reasons for mental illness or that medication is ever appropriate. As with other areas of medicine, it seems that a blend of the allopathic and naturopathic is worth considering.
review 2: Fascinating book, and I am sympathetic with much of the view point expressed. But it's very one-sided. The voices of patients who have felt
... morehelped by biological psychiatry, for example, are glossed over, not attended to. It's clear that Hornstein's interest in the voices of patients is in large part an interest in the ones who challenge psychiatry. That's ok, but we shouldn't pretend that's all there is. less
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Much information about mental illness and the internal debate on appropriate treatment.
I loved this book so much I created a Facebook Group for it.
A must read for anyone in the field of psychology
A good follow up to Anatomy of an Epidemic..
Recommended by jo.
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