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Romanzo Criminale Politthriller (2002)

by Giancarlo De Cataldo(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 3
3852565081 (ISBN13: 9783852565088)
review 1: Very good story about hoodlums who try and conquer Rome's criminal society between 1977 and 1992. In addition to their rise to power , the book describes the way they are used (along with far right extremists) by the powers that be in their "strategy of tension" to fight against the far left subversive organizations (like the infamous Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse in italian) during the "Years of lead" (Anni di piombo). Having some knowledge of the period can't hurt to understand best some events in the story (Moro's kidnapping and assassination, the bombing of the Bologne's station...)It tragically describes the violence and the corruption of this sad period of recent history in Italy, but sometimes with a delicate touch of (black) humour which makes me regret that I'm not... more fluent enough in italian to read it in that language to get all the subtleties of the original text. The translation clearly makes me feel that De Cataldo went to great length to get local slang and accents the way they should be. Readers shouldn't miss the movie adaptation by Michele Placido.
review 2: As a tale of the rise and fall of a criminal organisation it is thrilling, sometimes savage and always gripping.The main characters, of which there are many, are developed compellingly throughout the book. Friendship, loneliness, ambition, guilt, loyalty and betrayal are some of the themes that De Cataldo shows us from a variety of perspectives, through the band members' interwoven relationships with each other, but also with themselves. A sense of moral ambiguity prevails as the never-banale sequence of events unfolds, with the author refusing to draw a line between good guys and bad guys. The story starts with a few petty criminals in Rome but De Cataldo expertly broadens the book's perspective bit by bit, so that by the end we are left with much more than we bargained for: not just a 'Crime Novel' but a thought-provoking look at a very difficult and controverial period of Italian history.Let's hope it is translated into English so it can be enjoyed by more people. The TV series based on the book is also excellent and the first series has been broadcast in the UK on Sky Arts less
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leggere e poi guardare assolutissimamente la serie tv
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troppo bello
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