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The Honey Spinner (2008)

by Grace Pundyk(Favorite Author)
3.37 of 5 Votes: 2
Pier 9
review 1: Prior to reading this book I thought that honey only came in that little bear-shaped bottle from the grocery store. Follow Grace Pundyk in her journey across Yemen, Australia, New Zealand, Borneo, Russia, UK, Italy, Turkey, US and China in search of each country's honey secrets. She has a great way of explaining the place and taste, so good that I added a couple of countries to my bucket list. Even though this book was published in 2010, I found it interesting to read about the colony collapse disorder, which is still occurring today, with no better answers than were known back then. I loved the historical and cultural aspects of the honey harvest from each of her visits and vow to never purchase that little bear again!
review 2: I was really really excited
... more to read this book, I love bees and honey and thought it was a great concept. Turns out in practice...not so much. Got a little preachy and like a travel diary on me. Yes, it was great that she went on this trip, but I would have liked her to explain things more in depth. Explain the trade systems, and the way everything integrates. Personal stories are great, but I would have liked a lot more facts and a better balance of interviews. The story felt very one sided to me. less
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I think I've given up on finishing this book. I have not found it interesting enough....
You'll be spreading it on everything you eat after reading this book. Loved it!
A book that greatly convinces how CCD is effecting us and our world
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