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The Indie Eclective: The Halloween Collection (2011)

by Indie Eclective(Favorite Author)
3.48 of 5 Votes: 2
The Indie Eclective
review 1: This is one of the best story collections I've read so far. It has everything from ghosts to witches to demons and even dragons (not to mention vampires, werewolves, and fairies {oh my!})Amazingly enough, my favorite story is Sunwalker's Kiss. And I say "amazingly enough" because I usually lean more toward the vampire or witchy stories, and although this one involved magic, it was of the dragon variety. That's some undiscovered territory for me and I liked it. If you enjoy short stories and the supernatural, try this one out.
review 2: I really enjoyed all the Halloween stories in this collection, which I read within a few weeks after it was published. I used to scare myself silly as a youngster with horror books, and some of these hit that same note. I defin
... moreitely got shivers from many of them, partly from reading them during October and having the weather add that little extra touch to each story atmosphere. They all were great reads, and introduced me to a few new authors from whom I've since purchased other books. less
Reviews (see all)
Just the right mix of stories, and perfect for this time of year. Really enjoyed all the stories.
Love Lizzy Ford!!!!! If you read anything soon read all of her books!
This wonderful collection of stories has something for everyone.
Not a bad collection. Alas, nothing really grabbed me.
I contributed one of the stories in this book.
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