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Tales From The Wild Side - The Unchained Slave (2011)

by Jack Brighton(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 3
0011345616 (ISBN13: 2940011345616)
Firm Hand Books
review 1: More fun and playful than many other Brighton stories. It was cute and the drama with Hussan created the punishing scene one expects. I guess I got a little bored at some point and really wanted to know what was going on with Paddy and that just got left dangling in the wind. I'm sure subsequent books address that little tidbit. Enjoyable and appropriately raunchy diversion.9/3/2013__FREE on Amazon and B&N
review 2: This book was a little over the top for me. I enjoyed most of it as light reading and not too serious, but there were certain aspects that just didn't sit right. For example, having sex with so many men (over eight in one night), even if they were for only a few minutes at a time, without a single mention of safety measures seemed a bit odd. The
... morecharacters were likeable though, and I would have liked to see more about what things are like when Paddy's Master returns. less
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It takes a lot to make me say this but YEW!! I am definitely not the target reader for this!
So these free teasers sure do work in my case! I want to read more!
My second one. That oughta teach me.
3.5 stars for me
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