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Sidney Chambers And The Perils Of The Night (2013)

by James Runcie(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 4
1608199517 (ISBN13: 9781608199518)
Bloomsbury USA
The Grantchester Mysteries
review 1: Very enjoyable light reading, although the physical danger and emotional disturbance for the clergyman-sleuth Canon Sidney Chambers is cranked up a notch from the first of the series. Cambridge in the 50s seemed to be chock-full of Communist spies and double agents as well as poisoners, jealous professors and Indian immigrant leg-spinners. Sidney's close but platonic relationship with the beautiful, wealthy socialite is a really good device; something that the TV adaptations seem determined to ruin.
review 2: There are some charming moments in this book - and witty observations about Cambridge life and British class snobbery. It's a gentle read, a series of linked stories, where it's not the mystery which is the real object, but sharp character observations, hu
... moremour, and philosophical speculation about the nature of good and evil or God's presence. Sidney is certainly not an uptight priest and he's had a fair share of worldly experience - but he remains strangely child-like and naive about women in particular. less
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Incredibly disjointed, as if the author wrote separate sections and then cobbled them together.
Meh. Nowhere near the first book.
Light and local
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