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Something To Read On The Plane (2014)

by Jan Hurst-Nicholson(Favorite Author)
2.94 of 5 Votes: 2
0958497842 (ISBN13: 9780958497848)
Writers Circle Publishing
review 1: In the introduction, the author likens this to a magazine and this well describes the style of this kindlebook. It contains short reads which are sometimes funny and sometimes contain a twist to the tale. The title describes it very well - this is just right for reading on a journey, something that you can pick up and put down. If you have read But Can You Drink The Water? you will recognise three of the tales.
review 2: Something to Read on the Plane is quite literally, something to read on the plane... and I did just that (well, technically I read it in the airport waiting for a plane, but the timing was pretty awesome). This is basically a collection of short stories on various topics that didn't necessarily mesh together, but they were all pretty short, ea
... moresy to read and captivating enough to be able to read them, without interruptions, on the plane. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for something light to read while traveling. less
Reviews (see all)
What an interesting read, just love all the characters. Perfect for those short spells.
this was a mildly amusing little volume, but not worth the $13 I paid Amazon for it.
Quick funny read to entertain on a 6 hour flight.
Just my emergency Droid book. It was fine.
Short review --- not funny!
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