(Memories of the Future)

Greetings Universe!

So let me paint you a picture:

Riding shotgun down a familiar street, late summer/early fall 2013. It was still warm enough out to roll the windows down, so that’s exactly what we did. The air tasted like it does time of year: clear and warm from the sun, yet still crisp from those first early breezes of autumn.

The radio hummed in the background, a mix of familiar summer pop. We sang loudly out the window, not caring if we annoyed the people in cars around us.  The station buzzed with commercials, so naturally, we tuned to the next, then the next (playing keyboard as we called it) It was about to be switched over one more time till I heard this beginning rift of a song come on. An intro that was utterly familiar. I stopped, thinking I knew the song but no…

It was new to me, I couldn’t recall for the life of me ever having heard it before. But it was so familiar. And in a strange way too, not just déjà vu “I’ve seen this before” stuff. It felt important.

I looked over to my side and spoke these thoughts to my mom and little brother who sat in the backseat. I considered logically what I knew about memory. Pondered the thought that I heard it in the background somewhere, or perhaps heard a song like it. But the feeling of knowing it was strong, and I held tight to the awesome mystery of it. “It’s like a memory of the future!” I said, sure of myself.

Maybe it was silly, and most likely it was all in my head anyway, but the song meant something to me, from the very first time I heard it.

It’s time to begin, isn’t it?

I get a little bit bigger but then I’ll admit I’m just the same as I was. Don’t you understand? I’m never changing who I am

This marked the first time I found music that I felt was mine. The album Night Visions was the first I ever downloaded and listened to on repeat. The first music I felt I found on my own, not given to me from someone else. And “It’s Time” became my theme song.

Telling the  start of an Adventure in life, the song comes back to me every time I start something new. “It’s time to begin.” Sometimes softer, like a whispered encouragement to move on, other times a powerful anthem.

To this day, I still record my life in music.

Ever experience something like this, dear reader? Start a conversation! I’m always happy to hear the thoughts of others.



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