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Song To Wake To (2011)

by J.D. Field(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 2
Round Hill
review 1: 3.5 stars. I am not 100% sure yet, if 3 or 4...Might contain slight spoilers, nothing too story related though.I started reading this book without knowing, what it was about. At first i thought, oh yeah...teenie romance stuff...she is drooling at him...oh look, she moves into a new village, meets a boy in class that avoids her and gets a transportation method as gift. Sounds familiar? Sounds like a book that got 1 star from me and includes people called Edward and Bella.Luckily! I was wrong. After some time of enduring the permanent drooling of the heroine on the male protagonist that was of course muscular, tall, blonde, and super handsome, and omg...yeah you get my point. Quote of a friend: "Did we drool at boys, when we were that age?" - Clear answer: no. Something I ca... moren't stand in those kind of books.The book got better after a while, way better. It became really interesting and it took me a while to put the hints together. Might also be, because I don't have much background knowledge about what is going on. But I liked it. Towards the end though...it turned a bit too weird for me and all went too fast. Im curious about the follow-up.All in all: a good book with a few annoying aspects.
review 2: This was a goodreads giveaway. I really enjoyed this book. It is a cute story about a young Sixteen-year-old Maddy Bride who moves to a small home out in the English Countryside. She comes from a unique heritage of women who run a small bee keeping home estate. Maddy is also starting a new school where she deals with sports obsessed rich kids. However she She not only has to face the pressures of the school but runs into unexpected myths from the past which effects her family heritage. This in a delightful book that I fought very comfortable handing over to my 16 year old granddaughter. less
Reviews (see all)
Sounds incredible wish I had the book in my hands. Gimme and I'll be done in the weekend.
Very poorly written. Characters not believable. Storyline changes were too abrupt.
Star Child
Chapter one was all info dump and, "As you know, Bob...." I couldn't keep going.
I love the cover and sounds great cant wait to read it...
not bad but not the best. had a lot of spelling errors
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