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Risking Fate (2012)

by Jennifer Foor(Favorite Author)
4.43 of 5 Votes: 3
JMF Publishing
Mitchell Family
review 1: I'm really enjoying this series, I love how it is a continuation of the same set of characters' stories. It's like when you finish a really good book, even if there was a happy ending, you always wonder what happened next. Well with this series we find out! The story follows them over the course of several years, and in this book there were moments when I thought things were going to come crashing down for Ty and Miranda. After following them for three books I was really invested in their story. This book had me on the edge of my seat, cringing at the impending doom I was sure was coming. I wanted to slap some sense into Ty at times, and at others I wanted to shake Miranda and beg her to listen. This is a brilliant series, can't wait for more.
review 2: I do ge
... moret tired of Ty and Miranda's antics, for adults they act like teenagers that have just discovered sex. I also wished that we would move on to someone new in the Mitchell family. Some of the drama was warranted in this one, but others were people over reacting without getting the whole story. I hated that there were events that had me wondering if some of the characters would make it, hated that others had to wonder too. I was happy with how things ended. less
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This book was a drawn out really long boring girl trying to break them up drama...
ty and Miranda are crazy !! love them....ty has totally redeemed himself !!
The Mitchell Family Series BoxSet 1-4.5
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