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Raging Love (2012)

by Jennifer Foor(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 2
JMF Publishing
Mitchell Family
review 1: This book really shows how much Colt loves Savanna and what he wouldn't do for her, Savanna is really put to the test as she has to overcome so much pain and grief, my heart was breaking for her, but Colt was always there by her side loving and supporting her, there were some surprises along the way which strains her and Colt's marriage, and I kept wondering how much more could Savanna take, when she so deserved happiness and the family she craved of her own with Colt, I think I did probably shout at Colt at one point, as he put her feelings second when he discovers a hidden secret, the drama kept you hooked and all I wanted was to not put this book down. The scene with the kids and Savanna in the water had me on edge! Loved Colt and Savanna's honeymoon what a naughty pair... more! lol, Colt and Savanna were my favourites couple since day one and I couldn't get enough of them. Completely drawn into this book as Jennifer Foor really knows how to make you feel all the emotions for this couple. Great read!!
review 2: "3.5 - 4 stars" I struggled a bit with this one. There was so much going on, I felt like I wasn't given enough time to process my emotions and what was going on to fully experience the story. I felt rushed and Van was pushed to endure so much, I was only reading the story, can't imagine what it would actually be like for her! I loved the ending and LOVED that Van and Colt got their HEA, but after this book I might stop with this series. Not that its bad but I don't think this series is for me. I enjoyed the first two books and others by Jennifer Foor so I will continue to read others by this wonderful author! less
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Again a lot of timeline and continuity errors which really spoils the story for me.
I only have two words fo this book: tooooo lonnnnng.
van got her happily ever after
love this series !!
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