Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.3
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Jennifer Weiner

3.64 of 5 Votes: 1
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Books by Jennifer Weiner
A Memoir of Grief (Continued) (2012)
3.11 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Miserable. And not in a dark, harrowing narrative kind of way but just miserable characters, and only one likeable; not being the protagonist, he doesn't help the story much. To be brutally honest, I hated the protagonist, which made it difficult to get through. She admits to som...
Best Friends Forever (2009)
3.59 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I expected this to be a sweet story about girlfriends. I am so thrilled it wasn't! Addie and Valerie meet in grade school and become best friends. They drift apart in high school and lose touch with each other. The night of the high school reunion, which Addie doesn't attend,...
The Half Life (2011)
3.14 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I may be the only person who truly hated Mary - a woman who was in the background and really barely a blip on the radar (even if she is the "other woman") but, yuck... what a horrible creature. Happy or not, Tosh is a complete idiot for falling for her pathetic "helpless female" ...
L'altra storia di noi (2010)
3.45 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Oh boy, do I hate giving one star ratings. But, there it it.This book was SO BORING. The only reason I finished it is because I was reading it for a friends book club that I joined. I found it painful to do so. A little like having to read my high school history textbook.There wa...
The Next Best Thing (2012)
3.4 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I can always pick up a Jennifer Weiner book at the library when I'm bored and expect a pleasant, if ultimately forgettable, tale of a young woman/women finding her/their place in the world amidst a colorful cast of characters, some setbacks, and some setups straight out of a soap...
Recalculating (2011)
3.1 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Wow, this one was creepy! Maureen never quite gets out from under her abusive husband's spell. She's really wishy-washy and I had a hard time relating to her as the abuse brought on by her husband bordered on the absurd. So did the demon GPS. She had many chances to take control ...
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