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Na Plný Plyn (2011)

by Jeremy Clarkson(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I was a bit confused by this book, really. I was expecting non stop humour and politically incorrect ramblings of one of my favourite tv presenters, which happily, I got.But not in the format I was hoping.What I found, rather to my displeasure was a series of what can be best described as newspaper cuttings from the various columns he does on car reviews.Very lazy indeed. Good read. But lazy, very lazy.
review 2: More of the same really. I liked the extra bit at the end which wasn't his normal column.He is as irrelevent as ever but still I seem to be agreeing with him more and more.The health and safety police at all that stuff makes my blood boil, like his. Somehow he remains the same, doing what he loves and being honest about what a car is like.I loved that
... moreone manufactor sent a second version of the car because he didn't think it was right and wrote about it. Needless to say whoever's car he was reviewing a few weeks later can't have been happy when he slagged their car off and used the last two lines to retract the only negative about their rival. he he :-) less
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Ended up disagreeing with JC just because ....
Still Clarkson. Still epically brilliant.
simmilar to the rest
Funny, Funny, Funny
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