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A Question Of Trust (2009)

by Jess Dee(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
1605042501 (ISBN13: 9781605042503)
Samhain Publishing
A Question of...
review 1: I rather liked this one.I liked Gabe.I liked Conner.I even liked Maddie.The start of the book was a bit of a dump you right in the middle of something, but that's alright.And yes, it was INSTANT attraction OMG I'm IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN. But even that wasn't too horrible.And I look forward to the next one. (I'm assuming with the way this ended, there will be a next one.)
review 2: Holy Hotness! This book was good. With a little more story line it would have easily gotten 5 stars. Gabe and Connor are both deliciously fine. I even liked Maddie - and I have a hard time meshing with some female characters. I read a lot of the other reviews and one thing many of them said was that it was very "love at first sight." I will agree it was, but what's wrong with that. Gra
... morented I don't want every book I read to follow that path but occasionally... it AWESOME! The sex scenes were wonderful. Dee does a great job pulling you in and making you wish you were all up in the menage sandwich, lol. less
Reviews (see all)
Pretty good story not how usual menage books go but still a nice, quick read.
I really enjoyed reading this book and the companion book.
way too short, but very sweet and hot :-)
This book was hot!
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