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Divorce, Interrupted (2011)

by Jill James(Favorite Author)
3.25 of 5 Votes: 4
Jill James
Lake Willowbee
review 1: This was a good read. I wish it had been longer though. Just so that we got more of the character's personalities. The weight thing kinda ticked me off.. What happens when they both gain a little weight again? Are they going to fall back in the same routine? I picked up this book and didn't know the heroine cheats.. I'm actually not sure if I had known if I would have bought it.. (Double standard I know but that's just my thing) But it wasn't a immediate dislike of the heroine, I felt that the heroine really did regret her decision..
review 2: I expected to like this book. I did not expect to like it as much as I did. I think anyone who has ever been or is married is going to see their own relationship mirrored somewhere in the pages of this short story. And
... more what a unique idea--something not seen very often in romantic fiction--characters who have been divorced and then rediscover each other. I loved this. And the love scenes are hot too! less
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Average book. Nothing great that caught or kept my attention.
Short, sexy, second chance at love.
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