I had a wisdom teeth surgery removal in mid September. Since I diagnosed had impacted teeth not only one but FOUR by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, I was a bit nervous because I never had an surgery before.it will be executed in total anesthesia for 5 hours estimated surgery operation. here are the four things I learned from wisdom teeth removal surgery.
You’ll Never Exactly Know Until Get Fully Teeth’s Scanning
Wisdom teeth is an abnormal teeth growth. It doesn’t happen just like that in days count. You can just feel the symptoms but will never know until your teeth get scanned. In my case, my jaw wasn’t enough space for the teeth grow both top and bottom jaw. I feel several symptoms physically and emotionally but mostly I ignore that. The most severe symptoms that happened to me are teeth bleeding in a month before surgery and gum swallowing in the last two week before surgery.Since I knew I had a wisdom teeth problem and surgeon explanation, I thought that was the answer from all the physical and emotional pain I felt in the past years.
2. Physical Pain. (Of Course)
Headache, sleepy but sleep uncomfortable, feel tight in back of neck, feel tight in forehead. Well of course you will be suffered teeth bleeding if the teeth reach top growth, gum swelling, feel hurt to chew. I thought in the first time it was because my stress but later the summary was painful-horrible-wisdom teeth symptoms.
3. Emotional Pain. (It’s terrible)
All the physical pain made the emotional pain. When I woke up from sleeping I didn’t felt fresh, it was like I lack of sleep,need more time to sleep. The veins are tight, beating like drums from the morning ’till night. I was too cranky, too easy to got mad, too easy to stress, too overreact and all that things I did in unconscious feeling like automatically. the situation was very bad and at that time I didn’t know why, what was wrong of me. The wisdom teeth made terrible pain.
4. Post-Surgery : HURT
Woke up after 5 hours surgery with total anesthesia was nightmare. I couldn’t open my eyes for an hour just heard all the conversation between the surgeon staff. It was 02.00 AM and I barely opened my mouth. I was so limp. Ate drugs timely. Couldn’t eat and couldn’t drink enough. my mouth bleeding every time I tried to opened it. It took two days inpatient in hospital and two weeks to recovered in my house. Lot of effort to took care myself and I did it. It has been a month since the surgery and I feel great ever since.
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