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A History Of The Popes: From Peter To The Present (2009)

by John W. O'Malley(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
1580512275 (ISBN13: 9781580512275)
Sheed & Ward
review 1: A good history and has some pretty interesting stories in it. It's a good read. I learned a lot about the history of the Catholic church and the papacy. It was interesting to watch the decline in the papacy away from concerns of faith to concerns of power and land. The author is a Catholic historian, but is very fair-blunt, even- about the shortcomings of the popes and the church. I have a better understanding of the complexities of the Catholic church now.
review 2: It cannot be easy to condense 2,000 years of papal history in one 360-page book, but in general, the author does a commendable job at explaining the context and implications of major turning points in papal history. As a history buff, I enjoyed the author's focus on carefully-chosen events and patt
... moreerns that demonstrate the atmosphere of the time. As a Catholic, I appreciated the sprinkling of papal decisions that set major precedents and traditions, some of which survive to this day. Although some of the book's micro-details delayed its momentum, this book balances the virtues and vices of noteworthy popes and paints the papacy as an adaptive, living-and-breathing institution that survives as an integral part of the Catholic Church. less
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An excellent supplement to my Fromm course on the Papacy. Very readable.
Well-written, surprisingly engrossing history.
This is a good book.
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