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Under The Blue, The Blue Series Volume 1 (2000)

by Josephine Dillon(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This is a review for SN Book Reviews. This book was very different from what I normally find myself reading. I’ve never read something with this much of a religious undertone while still exploring m/m relationships and such a dark main character. That being said, I find myself asking when I can read the next one! It was a very well written story and I loved the development of the relationships in the book. The relationship between brothers David and Dillon was probably my favorite. Really watching their whole family dynamic and how much the two relied on each other and grew together was amazing. I also enjoyed the relationship between Asmodeus and David, as well as watching Esmeralda during the developments there. The beginning of the book read a little slow, but honestl... morey, I’m kind of glad because that gave me time to really get to know the characters and get my mind set around their world. Especially with the constant switching of point of view, the beginning let me set myself up inside the book so I was ready to follow the story. I loved the ending of the book and cannot wait to find out what happens to David and to Dillon. While I recommend this story to many … it is not for all. You need to be open minded and ready for a dark read with homosexual situations, definitely not a book for young readers who aren’t ready for a very mature story.
review 2: It was a big departure from my regular type of books I read but I liked well enough that I've read the whole series. I'm going to comment about the series as a whole. I've not read the M/M gay romance element before and there is a violence/rape element that left me a little off kilter but I could deal with it. I found the idea of the "good" angels being so sneaky and quick to follow their own agenda's and not caring about their loyalty to God much more bothersome. Again, all that said, it was well enough written, the characters brought to life enough to involve me in their futures, that I did want to keep reading just to see what would happen and to cheer on Dillon and hope he could save his brother David. less
Reviews (see all)
I absoutly Love this series and advise every one to read it as well.
DNF Realized I won't, so have removed it and the rest of the series.
I started this book but stopped it was too dark for my tastes...
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