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The Top-Secret Diary Of Celie Valentine: Friendship Over (2014)

by Julie Sternberg(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
1590789938 (ISBN13: 9781590789933)
Boyds Mills Press
review 1: When Celie's best friend Lula starts ignoring her, Celie writes about her frustrations in the brand new top-secret diary she receives for her 10th birthday. The book readers read is actually Celie's diary and is portrayed very realistically, with Celie's drawings and other scrap book type mementos to flourish it. Celie's home life and dilemma with her best friend are both things that I think older elementary aged children, especially girls, will identify with. Celie and her family are also quite hilarious, which makes this a fun read on top of everything else.
review 2: I did like how the book pretended to be handwritten. The different fonts were very handwritten-like while still being easy to read. And it also build to the illusion that this was a kids jour
... morenal the way things were secured inside the journal and fastened with narval tapes. The different small drawings were very cute and accompanied the text perfectly. Also the small “Good night” and “Good byes” made me remember how it was to write my own journal as a kid. The language flows well and is simple, likewise with the story. I believe this is a story kids will really enjoy, the story flows well and the narrator’s voice is well developed and authentic. Though I think the book could have benefitted from more development of the relationship between Celie and her parents, especially her father seems like a more distant figure. To end the review at a good note, I do believe this is a very good book for children, and I can really see it being appealing to young girls. less
Reviews (see all)
This was really well written (and no, not because my aunt wrote it, but she did).
not sure if its a 'classic' but its a classic in my world
I'd give this book 4.5 stars.
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