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A Scandalous Scot (2012)

by Karen Ranney(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 5
0062027794 (ISBN13: 9780062027795)
review 1: Morgan MacCraig has come home to Scotland after causing a scandal. The first person he encounters is Jane, a maid in the house, who had spent the night trying to see one of the ghosts that lived at the castle. They were oil and water. Of course they were destined to be together. There was a problem and Jane has a large secret. Morgan had to look at things in a new way for things to work out. Scandal plays a big part in the motivation of both characters. I loved the dialog. It was crisp and entertaining. The plot was interesting. The side characters were an important part of the plot. This was a quick fun read with many twists and turns.
review 2: Jean MacDonald and her sister, Catronia, find themselves employed as maids at Ballindair in Scotland. Their aunt Ma
... morery, housekeeper at Ballindair, has been instrumental in getting them these jobs. Not used to the work involved, Jean finds herself concentrating hard on her assignments while her sister is more lax in doing a good job. There are old rumors where people have reported seeing several ghosts at Ballindair. Intrigued by this, Jean often explores the castle late at night hoping to catch site of one of these ghosts. Inadvertently, she runs into a man one night who turns out to be Morgan MacCraig, 9th Earl of Denbleigh and Laird of Ballindair, who after a five-year absence, has returned unexpectedly to the castle. He is escaping the scandal in London resulting from his divorcing his wife, Lillian, for her many infidelities. He is a very scarred and angry man vowing to never marry again. To his dismay, Morgan discovers that his faithful steward, William Seath, is ill yet continuing to work every day in many capacities. In the execution of her duties, Jean and Morgan continue to find themselves in one another's company which leads to conversations and interest between the two. While searching for her willful sister late one evening, Jean encounters the Earl. With both of them in less than full dress, they are then discovered by the housekeeper. To keep Jean's reputation from being ruined, Morgan agrees to marry Jean. However, Jean wants love from a marriage not simply a marriage of convenience. With Jean's insight, the work of the rapidly failing William Seath falls more onto her shoulders and she proves her worth as the next Countess. In addition, with Jean's love and compassion, Morgan learns to open up to love again.Karen Ranney has once again proven herself to be the amazing storyteller that she is. Her characters and situations in this novel are real and believable. I would highly recommend "A Scandalous Scot" for terrific reading pleasure. less
Reviews (see all)
First I've read by Ranney, it was a cute, nice solid romance.
Another very good story by this author, one of my favorites.
Kind of boring...
A good read.
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