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A Highland Duchess (2010)

by Karen Ranney(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
0061771848 (ISBN13: 9780061771842)
The Tulloch Sgàthán Trilogy
review 1: I grabbed this book from the dollar store... This was my first read from the author, but I doubt it will be the last as it was a most enjoyable experience! I did suspect the outcome at about the halfway point, but found that I very much wanted to continue reading to discover all of the twists and turns before the ending confirmed my suspicions. I was entertained by the character development of Emma and Ian, but also that of each of their homes. I do agree that some portions of the plot (and subplots) were drawn out, but that, to me, served to illuminate parts of each character's personality. It did not detract from the overall experience. Historical Romance readers enjoy!
review 2: Always a fan of historical romance, I couldn't resist taking a break from the pa
... moreranormal to read this one. And I'm glad I did. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I loved watching Emma's character develop, as well as, the growing relationship between her and Ian. I thought Ranney did a good job at creating solid characters and bringing readers into the story. As a romantic, the star crossed lover theme definately made the story most enjoyable for me, and had me not only rooting for Ian and Emma, but saying "screw being proper...go for it". However much I though that, I'm glad Ranney wrote the story as she did. It definately made the ending more satisfying. If I can add one more thing, I enjoyed the unpredicatability of the plot. I would definately recommend this book to fans of historical romance. less
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Fairly well written. This book had some interesting research in it. Not bad. =)
Can an ice Queen be warmed? Good book.
Not my favorite.
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