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A Sure-Fire Cure (2006)

by Kate Steele(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 1
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A Sure-Fire Cure
review 1: Nice story, I enjoyed it. That being said I think I would have enjoyed it more without the "stalker" part of the storyline, I figured it out pretty early and didn't think it added anything to the story, and I would have liked to see more of the development of the relationship between Dean and Scott, there was a lot of sex, which is great, but I wanted to see more of why they loved each other. But, it was a good story and I did like it.
review 2: Vet Dean Conlon has been building a wall around his heart after a painful betrayal he suffered 8 years ago. Until Scott Whittaker came in front of his door, asking for help for his mare, and everything changes. It's a contemporary romance with a touch of suspense. I enjoy the two characters very much. I like reading how
... more Dean's wall slowly crumbles with the intense attraction he feels for Scott. I really, really on the verge of my patience waiting for the "I love you" to be declared *grin*. Which is a good thing. Nothing annoys me the most that throwing those words very early in a book and then what I get only continuous romp in the sheet. less
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I skipped and skimmed a lot. Lots of passive voice made it slow going.
A very superb book!! Love it!!
Wow, loved these guys!
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