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Dream Nights With The CEO (2013)

by Kathy Lyons(Favorite Author)
3.48 of 5 Votes: 1
1622667808 (ISBN13: 9781622667802)
Entangled: Brazen
Secret Desires
review 1: I thought it was interesting but I must say the "dream" thing is exaggerated, it feels weird and silly. It usually give me chills. And there's no chemistry at all. I stop reading even when I'm still at 20% of the story because I can't really stand the silliness and impossibility of having the same dream with one person. It cannot be called coincidence or fluke because it happened if not in every dream, mostly. And this is a fiction contemporary book.
review 2: Well it wasn't a bad read but the story wasn't great. They dream the same dreams thanks to a haunted b & b, he swoops in to save her like a superhero spandex, cape and all. *rolls eyeballs* its not a bad read but I was pleased to have it finished so I could read something else. I would read other book
... mores by this author but if the dream series is going to be anything like this book i'm going to give it a miss. I'd give it 2.5 stars less
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2 1/2 I wish the characters were developed more..I just didn't connect with them.
So romantic and hot!!i liked very much ;))
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