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In Front Of God And Everybody (2011)

by K.D. McCrite(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
1400317223 (ISBN13: 9781400317226)
Thomas Nelson
Confessions of April Grace
review 1: (note: I reviewed this novel earlier on my own goodreads page. This is basically the same review with a few minor word changes.) I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters were fun and quirky. The story revolves around new neighbors in the rural Arkansas area where April Grace Reilly and her family live. These new arrivals are from California and very accustomed to city life. Not only are they fish out of water, they are really cranky about it. April's parents, who try very much to be kind and helpful always, end up offering these folks much more help than April Grace is comfortable with. In addition to that, her grandmother has a new boyfriend sniffing around. But April Grace has some suspicions about him.It was enjoyable to see a normal family with people who love... more each other including Grandma, both parents (no one died), a sibling, and even pets. The siblings were realistic - fighting one minute and have each other's backs the next. The parents are good people striving to live out what they believe in and raise two kids who will be fine adults. The story had humor, pathos, and realistic characters. I loved the romance for grandma thrown in...not many kids think of their grandparents going on a date! Can't wait to read the next two in this series.If you enjoyed this book, April Grace's story continues in:*Clicques, Hicks and Ugly Sticks*Chocolate Covered Boloney
review 2: I have recently finished the last book in the series and let me tell you: I laughed the whole way through! Not only is this a great book for teens, it is a great book for the whole family. Readers of any age will enjoy this trio. One of my friends recommended the April Grace series to me and I am so thankful for that.In Front Of God and Everybody follows a tween named April Grace on the rollercoaster ride that is life. April Grace struggles to be nice to everyone (including pestering neighbors and snotty sisters). April Grace tries to find a constant in a constantly changing world and try to just be herself-even when no one else thinks she should. Follow along as she tries to follow the footsteps of her parents and make sense of the world. less
Reviews (see all)
What a sweet and wonderful story! I love April Grace!
Very good love the ending! i will read the sequel
A halarious book that I reccomend
A great light hearted read.
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