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37 Things I Love (in No Particular Order) (2012)

by Kekla Magoon(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 3
0805094652 (ISBN13: 9780805094657)
Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
review 1: This was a very fast read. Almost too fast which is why only a 3 star rating for me. While I feel the story was cute, it could have been elaborated more. You weren't really painted a picture and you didn't get to connect with the characters. The emotions I think we were suppose to feel with the tragedy just weren't there because the characters emotions were very dull. I feel like the concept of the story was nice, but the whole book fell a little flat for me. It has great potential but it almost feels like a rough draft and not the completed picture. Not a terrible read whatsoever, just not my favorite.
review 2: I imagine it could've been a good book, but I was deceived by the cover. The one I had, had a cool pic of her on the swings at night, and I thought "h
... moreey this looks cool", I never really believed in the saying "you can't judge a book by its cover" (literal), now I know to do some research before I grab a random book.... If I'd seen the other cover I may not have been as interested (just because of the type of books i like to read). But i'm a young rather 'innocent minded' teen and I was not expecting (or mentally prepared for) something this explicit. I had to put it down after reading about the party they snuck out for (because I didn't like reading about people relatively my age doing things I would never think about doing), but decided to give the book another chance. Bad idea!!! The last straw was when her new/old friend started doing some things to her that I really Didn't want to read! (it's not the fact that they were both girls that bugged me, I wouldn't want to read it even if it was with a guy). I feel pretty scarred, my mind I guess was a little more innocent then I thought. I like the writing, I may try a different book of hers, that's why I gave it 2 stars, but I didn't like the details. Don't get mad at me for this critique, I'm just not ready for stuff like this, and I don't think it's appropriate for the crowd it's angled towards. less
Reviews (see all)
i liked the book but the end shock me because i wasn't specting that to happen.
Not quite what I was expecting but it was good enough to finish in a day.
A young adult book. F-bomb early on, plus some older themes.
I cried a river. It's really good.
Really good book...
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