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The Scarlet Dagger (2013)

by Krystle Jones(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
Pesante Press
The Red Sector Chronicles
review 1: I really loved this book. Krystle is new to me as an author and I am really glad I one clicked this book.I liked that the lead character was a strong female that could hold her own and didn't necessarily need protecting all the time (even though she does get help a few times in the story). To sum it up without spoiling too much, it's about a vampire hunter that was raised in believes that all vamps are monsters and she has no reason to question that. This all changes when she meets a very human looking vamp called Aden.If you have read books such as Project ELE or Reign Of Blood by Alexia Purdy then you should really enjoy this.
review 2: I liked this book a lot more than i thought i was going to. Going into the book i thought it would be just another vampire/
... morehuman romance book, but it really wasn't. I'm glad to say that it was so much better!I loved Sloane! She was a total kick-butt heroine. She stayed tough and strong throughout the whole book. She took everything that was thrown at her, and instead of becoming weaker, she became stronger. She wasn't a damsel in distress, she was independent. When she wanted to know something and no one would tell her, she would find an answer herself. If someone suddenly became untrustworthy Sloane wouldn't continue to trust them, she would keep and eye on them. She really was an amazing main character. Now on to Aden. I liked Aden. I thought he was cool and all, i just found the whole little romance with Sloane and him to be predictable. But even though it was predictable, I still found Aden to be and awesome character. Next the plot. I loved the plot of this book. The whole book was perfectly paced and was just really fun to read. Although a lot of the time it could be predictable, there were still some surprises that i didn't see coming. I loved how this book wasn't about the romance between Sloane and Aden, this book was about Sloane becoming a vampire and trying to protect the people she loved from the upcoming dangers. Yes, there was some romance thrown in there, but it wasn't tons, which really worked for this book.The reason for the four star rating is I thought there were a lot of times where this book was predictable. I just would have liked to have been on my toes trying to guess what would happen next. Either way I loved this book. I thought it was a great book and i'm pretty sure Sloane has just been added to my list of awesome kick-butt heroines. I can't wait to read the next book! less
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I enjoyed this read and will continue this series to see what unfolds in the next book.
Wonderful !! Thrilling roller coaster ride!!! A must read for vamp lovers...
I really like this. I got really into it. Excited to read the next one!
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