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Ashes Of Midnight (2009)

by Lara Adrian(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 3
0440244501 (ISBN13: 9780440244509)
Dell Publishing Company
Midnight Breed
review 1: Sokan mondták, hogy ne olvassam el, mert koppintás az egész. De benn volt a könyvtárban és fűtött a kíváncsiság, ezért kivettem. Megbántam. Nem volt bajom a főszereplőkkel, sem a koppintással, sem a történettel. Nálam az verte ki a biztosítékot, hogy ezek a vámpírok az űrből érkeztek. Én elfogadom azt ha a vámpírok egy mutáció során alakulnak ki, az emberek teremtik őket vagy egyszerűen csak vannak minden ok nélkül. De azt már nem tudom elfogadni, hogy az űrből érkeztek. Nálam érkezhetnek az űrből szuperhősök, földönkívüli szörnyek, de nem vámpírok. Az…. nem is tudok rá mit mondani. Nem jött be a könyv.
review 2: I have a love-hate relationship with this series. For some reason, I keep reading it hoping
... morethe romances would get better but they really don't. This isn't the worst of the lot - with a prior relationship, there was a reason for them to have feelings for each other - but it still wasn't the breakthrough book for me.What I found out though is that the narrator detracts from the book. Her book is too raspy, she sounds too old and her accents are not good enough. For the first time, I switched to print in the middle of this book and found that I got a different feeling for the characters when I read instead of listening.Anyhow, maybe I'll read the next one if I can find it at the library. less
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Elimden bırakamadwn okuduğum güzel bir fantastik hikaye oldu benim için Andreas ve Claire arasında geçen aşkın öncesi ve sonrasını okurken etkileniyorsunuz . Bundan sonra ne olacak diye merak etmekten uzak duramıyorsunuz ama söz konusu Epsilon yayınevi olunca ne kadar umutlu olabilirsiniz ki , ben bu kitaptan bile umutlu değildim :))) kimbilir belki diğerleride çıkar , çıkarsa iyi olur 'ki böylece olayların gidişatını daha iyi okuyabiliriz
Another great read in this series.Poor Claire and poor Andreas for what happened to them in the past. The man responsible for this is a bad guy and Claire's mate.Luckily Claire and Andreas meet again and they get help from the brotherhood. Great to see these back in the book.Book with hot action, tension and love.Also what happens in the last chapters gives enough fuel for some more books in these series. Looking forward to read them.
miluju tuhle sérii...miluju miluju miluju :)
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