Kernville Kampout 2017 | Ride With Me

Kernville Kampout, sponsored by Biltwell, 805, Lowbrow Customs, Sailor Jerry, Chop Cult, and many more happened this past weekend and a few friends and I decided it was worth the trek down to Southern California to party.

We met up in Gilroy, CA for the 5.5 hour ride down to Kernville, CA, taking Highway 5 to 178.

Once in Kernville, we set up our campsite, had a few beers and started to party. At around 5pm we signed up for $20 tattoos, courtesy of Old Rose Tattoo, and got them done closer to 9pm.

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The following morning, very hungover, we set out for a ride towards the Trail of 100 Giants in the Sequoia National Forest.


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We continued to party that night in Kernville, and headed out the next morning, again very hungover.

We ended up taking Highway 155 towards Delano and then towards Highway 5. Both 178 and 155 are beautiful, but if you prefer 50 miles of twisties, take 155. It was extra windy headed up on 5, but we made it home just after 5pm on Sunday.

All in all, about 670 miles ridden the entire weekend.







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