#BlogTour #Review Can You Keep A Secret? by @KarenPerryBooks @PenguinUKBooks @penguinrandom

*I received an arc via the publisher in return for an honest review*

Can You Keep A Secret? by Karen Perry

It’s time for a reunion
Lindsey hasn’t spoken to Rachael in twenty years, not since her brother’s 18th birthday party at their parents’ remote country house.

A night that shattered so many friendships – and left Rachel’s father dead.
Now Thornbury Hall is up for sale, and the old gang are back there, together again.
A weekend to say goodbye to the old place, to talk about the past.
But twenty years of secrets aren’t given up lightly. Some won’t speak about what happened that night.

While others want to ensure that no one does.
Surviving the weekend is going to depend on whether you can keep a secret . . .

My review:

This novel is set between two eras the present day 2017 and the 1990’s. The novel consistently reflects between the protagonist’s adult lives and their childhood, in particular Patrick’s 18th birthday party spent at Thornbury Hall in 1991.

The novel opens with Lindsey assessing the forensics at a nearby crime scene in Ireland. She decides to pay a call on Thornbury Hall, where she enjoyed many summers with her childhood best friend Rachel. When she arrives she is greeted by Rachel’s brother Patrick, they reminisce over the old days and eventually become quite close. Lindsey is plagued by ill health, a brain tumour behind her optic nerve. When she is off work and recuperating romance blossoms. It is at this point Patrick decides to sell Thornbury Hall, promising Lindsey a future full of travel and dreams.
But not before one last big reunion……….

Lindsey isn’t keen on this idea, but relents as it is what Patrick wants. The novel continues with reflective chapters and we learn that Rachel and Lindsey are now, more like sworn enemies. All due to a secret long held in the past. But what causes friends to hate one another? And how will that factor into Lindsey and Patrick’s plans for their future?

It isn’t long until all the old gang assemble at Thornbury Hall and the secrets and lies begin to surface. There are sinister secrets, dark pasts and betrayal.
Will all the jealousy and anger bubble over?

To learn more of the secrets of Thornbury Hall, you will have to read the novel!

Karen Perry
Paul Perry & Karen Gillece
Authors bio:

Paul Perry is the author of a number of critically acclaimed books. A winner of The Hennessy New Irish Writer of the Year Award, he is a lecturer in creative writing at Kingston University, London, and course director in poetry at the Faber Academy in Dublin.
Karen Gillece is the author of four critically acclaimed novels. In 2009 she won the European Union Prize for Literature (Ireland).

Authors Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenPerryAuthor/
Twitter: @KarenPerryBooks

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