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Ein Himmlisches Wunder (2012)

by Linda Barrick(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 4
3775153861 (ISBN13: 9783775153867)
Scm Hänssler
review 1: What an excellent book. Jen is a girl whom,as a teenager, had an amazingly strong faith.She was a quiet reserved girl who filled journal after journal with her faith. At the age of 15, Jen's life was nearly taken from her by a drunk driver who is now in a vegetative state. Every part of Jen's brain was damaged in the accident. She was not expected to live. Jen was in a coma for 5 weeks. The amazing part about Jen is that when she awoke from her coma she praying to God, praising Him in a clear voice and yet could not speak to her family or friends. She did not know her name or for that matter she did not know what any word meant. Throughout her slow recovery Jen could always pray long and clearly. She was also rather clear at singing praise songs but could not articulate wi... moreth family. Those words were slurred. Despite her brain damage, Jen is now more outgoing and is more vocal with speaking about her faith in front of crowds. Her faith is amazing. How God works through her is a thrill to read about. And through all this (Mom and Dad were also seriously injured) Jen's family (also strong in their faith)realize that there are no mistakes. God was still in control of the situation and that this somehow fit into God's glorious plan. I like what Jen's mom wrote, "Jen will quote different verses or tell Bible stories that I didn't even know she knew. They are hidden in her heart, and God reminds her of them at just the right time. " - This from a girl who now suffers short term memory loss. Jenn was quoting memorized scripture even in the hospital when she could not even tell you her name. I like how one neurosurgeon put it: " The brain is like a filing cabinet, and Jen's brain has been through an earthquake. Some of her files are scattered on the floor and all mixed up. Some are locked in drawers that are jammed and can't be opened. Some are gone all together." As mom says: " Her drawers of spiritual discernment were in perfect order."What an uplifting read!I loved it.
review 2: I can't say enough so I can't say this strongly enough...Read. This.It's a mom's perspective of the accident and it's a griping tale. One might think the mom was being interviewed and giving her side of the story in essence. It doesn't read like a novel so much, but you really want to skip to the end to see how it turns out. But since Jen and Linda wanted to do that in real life, I just waited until it was done.And then I youtubed them. How could I not?a MUST read less
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This is an incredible book! Such an inspirational and touching story...simply amazing.
Extremely moving. What an amazing story of faith and courage!
An awesome and inspiring story of God's love!
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