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Love Lost (2013)

by Love Belvin(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 2
Smashwords/MKT Publishings
Love's Improbable Possibility
review 1: Where to start? I LOVED Rayna's (and then Rayna and Azmir's) story! Once I started the book, I was seriously glued to it, and had a hard time putting it down to go to sleep. Love's writing voice is, for me, unique and fresh and interesting. Her descriptions are vivid, and the characters? THE CHARACTERS!! I like Rayna well enough to be invested in seeing her happy, but AZMIR?! *melts into puddle* Azmir is pure sexiness dripping off the page, and listen, I'm here for it. The entire book was emotional, and sexy, and fun, and like I said, I thoroughly enjoyed it.The story is well paced, and unpredictable, and the plot is rich with a lot that can eventually happen. Even though the end is somewhat a cliffhanger, it's not that bad, and the entire series is already available, s... moreo you don't have to wait! I'm reading the second book, Love Unexpected now, and I'm already loving it!
review 2: I've found myself on the fence with this read. I do not terribly hate it but unfortunately due to certain issues, I also do not love it. following I'll list my thoughts on this book. Preceding that I will tell you a little bit about it.This is an urban story about a female by that name of Rayna, her life as a child, her life growing up, and then the story eventually evolves into a romance.Basically you can say that this book is about urban life in a modern time and all of the trails and triumphs that come with it.Things I enjoyed:* Although grammar, spelling and punctuation are typically at the bottom of my list, in this particular story it was obvious that the author is well versed and was careful in the execution of the prose. I might've noticed one or two things tops. In all truth the were incredibly minuscule and barely noticeable.* The first two chapters I found very appealing and they drew me in and made me want to know more. I was able to relate very well to all of the happenstances as I came from a similar background.* Strong narrative voice. The author was strong and clear in the narrative and made the picture come to life.* I LOVED me some Azmir! Wooh! He is fiiiiiine, with a capital FINE!Things I did not enjoy:* Although the cover was tied into the story--by a VERY THING thread, may I add--I felt as though the cover lacked substance. There could've been a great many cover images that could've better represented the story.* The length of the chapters. They were just too long for my liking (I would also surmise that this would apply for the average reader). I saw many opportunities where/when the author could've easily divided the chapters in order to offer what I like to call "easy readability".* I didn't see anything that I could identify as a "scene separation". Basically the entire story ran together and to the untrained eye it could easily confuse, as you'd find yourself asking, "Wait! How did I get here?"* I found that there were some instances that did not necessarily ring true. It seemed that in the most important moments the main character did not truly react accordingly.For example: There was a scene where she was going to defend her friend Michelle from a bully that tormented her. In that particular scene Rayna diverts back to her roots and decides that in the street things are handled differently. So Rayna goes and has an all out fight with the bully.There was also another "fight" scene much later on in the book between Rayna and a girl by the name of Syn. Here Rayna finds it necessary to defend herself, and once again she decides that fighting is her only option.However, there are other more important scenes where I feel like Rayna did not act accordingly at all. Like when she caught her lover whom gave her an STD having a threesome, or when she was date raped, or when she suspected she had HIV.Now, I personally being from a humble beginnings and from NY, I know the lifestyle. In knowing that, I also know that in the most important instances, I would've reacted much more appalled and angered than the situation with the bully.* I did not learn Rayna's name until well into the story. I must've been well into the second chapter when her name was revealed. And may I remind you how incredibly long the chapters are.* During the dialogue (the story is written in first person) there was an interchangeable narrative going on. I actually enjoy this type of exchange in a story so long as it moves the story forward. What I did not like in this particular story was that I felt that the changing of characters during the telling of the story halted it significantly.* There was also the matter of Stereo Typing. I cannot say if this was intentional or unintentional, but I found that during many parts of the story, the author inadvertently or purposely (I'm not certain which) made a stereo typical remark about a person and his/her behavior. Especially as it pertained to Michelle, calling her a "Valley Girl" and such. I felt that that was an unnecessary way to describe a person.* The pace was my biggest pet peeve. In all truth, this irked me the most. There were intervals when the pacing slowed down so much that it gave you loads and loads of information--sometimes making you wonder why you needed to know these things--then it sped up so much that it left you feeling as though you'd missed something or there wasn't enough information.A prime example was when Rayna was participating in a dance competition. Now this scene is primal to the story because it's when Azmir and Rayna meet for the first time. Well, during this scene you'll find Rayna talking about all sort of things pertaining to dance and things of the sort, as well as delving into the fact that her dance teacher called her on a constant basis "The Lost One Found." However, during the most important part, which is when Azmir and Rayna's eyes meet for the first time, it is too short and lacks detail and information.* Another thing that I was not completely in agreement with was the depth of character in the characters. They seemed shallow and superficial. As if all they were focused on in terms of being attracted to one another was looks and money. Like the surface was the only important thing. There was too much emphasis made on looks and money and not enough emphasis made on chemistry and connection.Now the biggest reason why this bothered me was because with Azmir for example, it had been mentioned on several occasions throughout the story that he was looking for a meaningful relations; for a woman that loved him for him and not for his money.How ironic is it that they one woman that he is attracted to because she is different, is always focused on his looks and his money making very little mention (every now and again) about how her attraction to him surpassed that.* Too often I felt like Rayna had a double even triple-personality.* Holy guacamole, Chapter 6! I hate to say it, but out of every book that I've ever read, chapter 6 of Love Lost takes the cake as second runner up in The Longest Chapter EVER competition! Second only to Endless Cycle.By the time I'd reached the end of the chapter, I'd almost forgot what it was all about. There was something about Azmir breaking up with Tara, and Rayna and Azmir conversing on the phone, something about Tara's father and a trip to Mexico.In a word? Wow!My biggest problems with the story:* I was really bothered by the fact that I felt as though this story and the authors as a writer, have tremendous potential. The writing is good (spelling, grammar and such) and the story can be good. However the execution therein was, simply put, lackluster.* By the time I finished the story, I didn't care enough about what was going on, or about the characters to even want to attempt to read the next two installments in the series. As the matter of fact, I lost all interest and desire. I just didn't care.My final decision on Love Lost is 3 Stars. Unfortunately the cons outweighed the pros for my liking. less
Reviews (see all)
Loved this book...a family member of the author rdcommnded this book. A definite must read.
Wow. Great book. Def can't wait to see what the author has in store for Rayna & Azmir.
Review to come.
Loved it!!
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