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Killing Custer (2013)

by Margaret Coel(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
0425264637 (ISBN13: 9780425264638)
Berkley Hardcover
Wind River Reservation
review 1: This was an OK mystery, though I did get tired of the basic "Native American always good; white man always bad" theme. The one exception to the rule is the Catholic priest (kind of a surprise, because usually in these books the Catholic priest is bad too), who apparently in a former book fell in love with a Native American female lawyer (who is of course, all good). The basic plot is that an Iraqui War veteran who makes his living going around to reenactments playing General Custer is killed in one of these reenactments when a bunch of Native Americans ride up and encircle his horse with theirs. Lawyer Vicky Holden must try to discover who actually killed him (apparently many wanted him dead) and who might be next.
review 2: Ok, so I haven't read the previous 1
... more6 in the series, perhaps sometime I will read some of them in order to understand more fully the relationship of Father O'Malley and Lawyer Vicky Holden.I am very fond of the Tony Hillerman series and like his daughter's first novel in the continuation of the series. This "Wind River" series doesn't compare to Hillerman's. There is not enough detail about Native American life woven into the series for me. Coel's writing style is very predicable chapter after chapter. It was on page 182 that the book finally grabbed my attention and I wanted to find out what happened--that's a lot of pages.I will give the series another try, but later. less
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Another excellent book by Coel, ended really well a enjoyable read.
Coel is one of my favorite mystery writers.
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