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The Secret Lives Of Hoarders: True Stories Of Tackling Extreme Clutter (2011)

by Matt Paxton(Favorite Author)
3.4 of 5 Votes: 2
0399536655 (ISBN13: 9780399536656)
Perigee Trade
review 1: Unfortunately, because I've seen pretty much every episode of Hoarders and listened to every episode of Matt's podcast (5 Decisions Away), there was a lot of stuff in here that wasn't new to me. Though there were some things that surprised and delighted me about what he does.BUT it is still the perfect guide to anyone wanting to learn about hoarding, especially if there's somebody in their life they want to help.Matt takes us through every stage of the process of helping a Hoarder clean up, and outlines many strategies for aftercare. This book is written via a very down-to-earth, compassionate eye.
review 2: Matt Paxton is a funny guy and uses his humor to handle difficult situations while working with hoarders, but he also has a big heart and truly cares for t
... morehese people. In the book, Paxton discusses some of his former clients as well as giving advice on dealing with your own clutter/hoarding problem. He also goes into how to help someone someone in your life with a hoarding problem. Paxton is not a mental health professional so comes at things from a different angle than his cohosts on Hoarders like Dr Robin Zasio. I definitely recommend her book as well for a lot of really good info. I'd recommend Paxton's book as well if you or someone you love is a hoarder or has hoarding tendencies... just be sure to borrow the books from the library. =) less
Reviews (see all)
Some interesting stories but poorly organized. Could have used some strong editing.
This is probably the ideal book for family and friends of hoarders.
I have only one word needed for this review.... MORE!
Inspired me to clean off my desk.
SDMB mention - guilty pleasure
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