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The Wedding Charade (2011)

by Melanie Milburne(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
0263219496 (ISBN13: 9780263219494)
Mills & Boon
The Sabbatini Brothers
review 1: This was the best of the series for me. Jade was a character I loved instantly because even though she grew up with wealth there was always something missing. She is severely dyslexic and has hidden it well for 26 years being ashamed of it. She allows her name to be smeared in the tabloids because she can't read the stuff to defend herself. Nic is the baby of the family but had to grow up after the loss of his infant sister in a broken family. He rebelled to get attention but all it brought was loneliness. One of my favorite quotes of all times fits Nic to a tee "Do you ever think that the people who find it tougher to say what they're feeling are the ones who feel things more intensely? As if they have to keep their defenses high, because they care too much and have too m... moreuch to lose?" I loved the ending of this book because it ended so well a series I thoroughly enjoyed.
review 2: I absolutely loved this book. I had reservations about reading such a small romance...I typically do not like the fast forward romance love at first sight crap. This however was not like that. Melanie Milburne has away of making it all flow and well just work. I was completely satisfied with Nic and Jade's relationship and was soo happy they found love by the end. This story left me smiling and anxious to get my hands on the next Sabbatini brother book. less
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endingnya sweet banget,,,n ga nyangka Nic tnyt sweet juga kaya coklat^^.........
Nic is definitely the hottest of the Sabbatini brothers! loved the miniseries
it was so touching
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