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Risky Business (2014)

by Melissa Cutler(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 4
Bomb Squad
review 1: Once I started reading Risky Business, I couldn't put it down. Heck, I didn't want to put it down. In fact, I had to slow my reading just to hold off on finishing the book. It was that GOOD! The best thing about the Bomb Squad hockey team besides the fact that the players are hot, is that they are all wounded veterans. All the players have been hurt in some way, but that doesn't stop them from being sexy, protective alpha males. Melissa Cutler has created characters that we can relate to and characters that deserve our respect. Risky Business revolves around Allison and Theo. This story begins with Allison and her deep-rooted fear of water. Allison's fear is very real, but circumstances cause her to get quite close to the water. Due to the fact that her lying, chea... moreting, politician of a husband is arrested for embezzlement, Allison must make a new life for herself and her daughter. With no money or skills, Allison packs up all her belongings and moves to Destiny Falls, where her husband owns a boat rental operation. For someone afraid of water, the last place she wants to be is near a boat, but she has no choice. For the past ten years, Theo has been running the Cloud Nine, and has plans to buy the operation from Allison's husband. Of course, those plans went shot to hell, when the man was arrested. When Allison moves her and her daughter in, with plans to take over, Theo becomes frustrated and refuses to help Allison with the business. Theo has always been in charge of Cloud Nine and this is a blow to him. While in the Canadian Army, Theo suffered brain damage, so things like reading and writing come very hard for him. Because of this, he can't just up and leave and start over somewhere else. Allison and Theo are both survivors who learn to work together and eventually fall in love. Make no mistake, this isn't love at first sight....nope, this is a slow burn that involves letting the past go and learning to live for the future. When this couple finally does get together, the only word that comes to mind, is explosive. I am so happy how this story played out and will definitely give this story a re-read. Allison and Theo might be the main characters, but we meet some other people, who are a vital part of the Destiny Falls community. I cannot wait for the continuation of this series!!! I can't believe I have to wait till November for the second book of this series "Undefeated" to come out. I know it's only three months away, but I think I'm going to go through withdrawal from not enough Bomb Squad. I highly recommend this book, along with the author, Melissa Cutler. You won't be disappointed!
review 2: The first in a new series about combat wounded vets playing hockey in Destiny Falls, NY. There's a great storyline here about self confidence, being strong and making new friendships - just to list a few. The teammates and friends of Allison and Theo are wonderful and non-judgemental. It starts off a little rough and angry but eventually their behavior turns into sexual tension. The deep love they feel for each other is evident in their actions and is easily felt. This story was powerful, admirable and romantic. I gave 4 stars as it seemed to ramble a bit. A copy was given from Netgalley for review. less
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Melissa Cutler has done again! Love this book.
No rating cause I didn't finish.
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