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Light To Valhalla (2012)

by Melissa Lynne Blue(Favorite Author)
3.48 of 5 Votes: 2
Melissa Blue
review 1: I really liked this one. It was romantic, yet quite a bit suspenseful. Both of the main characters were stubborn and wary, but had enough redeeming characteristics to still be likable.Alec is a soldier returning home to his wife Charley after three years at war. They were forced into marriage, yet they are each in love with the other (except neither one of them has told the other). They are both distrustful, and left wondering if the other has been unfaithful. I enjoyed them finding the path back to each other, though there were obstacles along the way, they didn't make me constantly roll my eyes.I enjoyed the mystery aspect of the book a lot. It all came together in the end and the epilogue was very sweet.I am still left with some unanswered questions though: 1) W... moreas there some sort of foul play involved in the death of Alec's brothers? Their deaths seemed suspicious to me. 2) Jack's parentage and the death/disappearance of Bernadette never really got fully explained. I would have liked to see more resolution there.
review 2: I’m not going to repeat what’s already been but I will send out a few thoughts.Sigh.Perhaps I’ve read far too many historical romances over the years and like the rakish H’s I’ve become disillusioned and jaded looking for that something different.I could not bear it when the h was left to the biting and bitter tongue of an abusive mother-in-law for three long years no less! Why not have done something different with her like giving her a back bone and getting her the hell out of there. That's been done before. Charley is the long suffering wife left behind while her husband trots off to war. Reasonably quickly I’m forced to skim through the story because predictability is established early on. Three years later Alex returns amidst rumours of murder and infidelity and a son he never knew existed. Okay stop right there. Adding to the lack of back bone another pet peeve is cheating and on an equal footing is the introduction of an illegitimate child into the mix on top of everything else the h has had to endure. Charley was just far too nice and in very real danger of convincing this reader that nice came too uncomfortably close to doormat. Like all jaded H's, I’m still looking for that something different. It’s not here. In need of proofreading. less
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