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The Secret History Of Star Wars (2008)

by Michael Kaminski(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 5
0978465237 (ISBN13: 9780978465230)
Legacy Books Press
review 1: Overall, this was a fun book to read with lots of information I didn't know about Star Wars. It was too long, though, and it seems to me that a long magazine article or two could have gotten the same information across just as entertainingly.The biggest problem is the detailed tracing of what George Lucas new, and when. I am not *that* interested in Star Wars. The overall hypothesis that Lucas, more or less, "made it up as he went" is interesting and believable, but for a casual reader much of it is overkill. I did enjoy reading excerpts from the early script drafts, and many of the quotes from interviews were interesting.I assume the version I read (the free PDF that was on the net a few years ago) is an early draft, and in need of a good editor.
review 2: Thi
... mores is an exhaustive (and exhausting) examination of the creation of Star Wars and the other films in the series. The author makes extensive use of contemporary interviews and quotes to show how George Lucas developed the story, what his influences were (notably Kurosawa's 'Hidden Fortress') and most intriguingly how Darth Vader changed from a minor henchman in early drafts into the central focus of the whole saga. The book's overwhelming detail is its downfall though. The interesting snippets of information contained within are submerged beneath a torrent of quotes, footnotes, digressions and repetitions. It aspires to being an academic study, but it is not a book that I would care to use for a handy reference guide. less
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This really didn't need to be 600 pages long.
i think this was someone's college thesis.
holy moly a lot of detail.
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