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The Christmas Knight (2010)

by Michele Sinclair(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 6
1420108557 (ISBN13: 9781420108552)
review 1: 1st couple of pages are a lil confusing.&i didnt even understand the italicized words on pg1.this book is already not what i thought it was.the guys disfigured &missing an eye.not that that matters,i like readin about the scarred war heroes somtimes,but the description didnt hint at ranulf bein like this at all.they didnt even say what the guys name was on the back,so at the beginning of the book it took me a lil while to figure out who the main guy was."shrugged his chin." i wasn't aware you could shrug your chin."clinched his jaw." do you mean clenched??i can honestly say,ive never heard of the word "clinched.""ranulf de gunnar was far from young." &yet "you are far2 young 2 be so severe&serious." just how old is he?! -his convos w/laon are frankly weird.the whole charac... moreter assessment is usually between the guy &girl.not some old guy.the beginning is boring&draggy &i wish they would hurry up&get on w/the story cause im sick of him &leon talkin.if it continues to drag like this,i can c why the bk is so long. where do authors get their names.pertinax for a horse? wth."his horse pertinax was 1 of those supports enabling him2 smoothly interact w/the world." how?!"twitched his jaw." wut?!idk if its just me or wut but a few things sed between laon&ranulf seem a lil..gay.i also didn't expect the daughters to be laons.&btw how do u pronounce that?i didnt no ranulf would meet the dad.&that his death would happen n the bk.i thought he was already dead.that cud have def.ben left out.did ranulf rlly have2 save 2 young guys on the ship.we get it,hes a hero! stupid2 save 1 guy &then the old guy dies. "he was a father &2 laon,ranulf was a son." dint u guys meet a few days ago?he made his daughters sound great.now i know why ranulf was sketpical.lily comes off as unlikeable when we get to bronwyn's part.why wud laon say2 marry lily when the other2 girls sound stronger?&he sed she was loving when she seems superficial,bratty&a flirt.how wud bright white hair turn n2 golden hair?&i dint know bronwyn had an old tormentor/suitor.so overdone.i didnt know that ranulf would know the girl had switched on him the enitre time. i hate that this book isnt goin the way i thought it wud! i thought from the back of the bk that ranulf wud just sense they were foolin him.not that he'd know becuz he knew wut they looked like. ok so luc gets pick of any daughers.&so does ranulf.im not sure why laon sed no1 wud ask for bronwyn.&i dint expect ranulf2 be the rlly..randy type.but here he is upon 1st seein her&has all these lusty thoughts.&while ranulf was n the bushes he sed bronwyn looked directly @him.but wen we were n bronwyns perspective i dint hear her say she ssaw sum1 n the bushes or that she was even lookin@the bushes.ther elookin@2 men from their window.1s got reddish hair.&the other has rlly short black hair thats balding n the middle.neither sounds good.who's ranulf?its amazing wut ppl can deduce@a distance.from lookin up n2 a window ranulf claims that bronwyn saw "inside his soul.""his angel." mighty fast 4that.i dont like how ranulf&bronwyn meet.because of faulty floors.i find it amazing that he's 4 stories up &they dont have2 raise their voices2 talk.&can c each other clearly.he's hurt &her lips r touchin his ear.wth.&then she teases him."he needed bronwyn2 c him as a man." u dont even know her!&he already wants a kiss from her.its not sweet.it makes him look incredibly fast moving.&ive read several books like this.the girl instantly becums annoying.teasing him,whispering n his ear.&ordering his friend from the room.i dont like wen they become between friends like that.u just met them&ur already usurping authority. why wud ranulf think that bronwyn had2 of seen sumthn rlly bad within him2 be unaffected. &why wud he hit her? idt bronwyn knew ranulf had met her dad.or that he was there wen he died.so idk how she understood his words about doin everything2 save him.its so stupid wen the girls talk aloud wen the guys unconscious.who does that? i thought ranulf hadnt ben w/ne1 since his injury so wen he says "paid4 their services" i about lost it.im so sick of these philandering men.i though ranulf wud be dif.since hes missin an eye.u cant say women find u repulsive &then go &say u had gotten w/harlots.she finally realizes shes been actin like an idot &stops talkin2him.just2 cum back l8r &talk again while hes asleep."its winter blooms smell wonderful&i am sure all the women u bring n here will appreciate my thoughtfulness." wut girl wud openly talk about the guy gettin w/women as if its fine? idiots!"its2 bad that i cant be1 of them." wth? u wanna be a slut? no lady of class wud be talkin like that.the guy bein awake as she talks has been done a thousand times. "ashen with mortification." usually ur face goes ashen wen ur scared.it duznt make sense that after ranulf sayin he heard her that she wud act sensual.why wud ranulf cackle wen bron. was starin@his chest?&"purring" seems totally out of character for ranulf.sick of the angel thing.after the embarrassment of learnin he was awake2 hear ur ramblings,u decide 2kiss him while hes asleep. ranulf goes from manly 2pansy real quick.sayin she was just like the rest 2say she wasnt rlly disgusted by him.how sum1 can seem so manly&girly is beyond me. things shudnt be so confusing.she kisses him&then l8r appears2be asleep.i thought she had dreamt the whole thing but it turns out2 have been real.feelings r happening WAY to soon.which i CANT STAND. ugh im so disappointed w/this bk becuz its not happening like i thought it wud.this is similar 2other medieval bks.the main guys the surly 1 while his best friend is teasing &lighthearted.get a dif.storyline! &why duz Tyr sound so modern?!@several points i wanted her 2 get with tyr.nething but the surly,babyish ranulf.let the girl get w/the fun guy.n romance bks the guy always has2 be serious.which i like,but i want diversity.bk after bk about the same type of guy is exhausting.bronwyn dint even seem2 care that her dad was dead.why&how did she get hurt by the tub?wut sharp metal thing wud be on the tub?why wud it be ok2 check the guys wound,where he strips off his tunic n the GREAT HALL?&its ok4him2 pull her down on his lap&kiss her.n the great hall.n front of every1.where ppl eat.where her reputation wud be ruined.he touches her hurt arm&she shrieks.&pitches herself forward.did it hurt that bad?!he goes n her room.steps n a bucket-becuz most ppl lift their feet high enuff2 step n2 a bucket-&decides 2take his shoes,stockings&belt off.he then goes2 the bed where bronwyn is sleepin naked-&who rlly duz that,especially a girl back then.bronwyn just happens2 talk out loud about him.who duz that?"wrinkled her nose&pursed her lips."i tried2 do this.not only is it hard2 do them simultaneously but its harder2 look defiant while makin that face.who wakes up&4gets they're naked&she "just happens" 2stretch out of "habit." come on.authors cant expect us2buy this crap.&why wud she smile wen they had previously argued?!its2 convenient&highly improbable that both of them have mottled flesh from a fire.i mean rlly.2 scarred ppl gettin 2gether is just2 fantastical.its like she cudnt rlly accept him unless she was scarred2.&why was ranulf lookin wen she was changing neway?how cum every accident/death n here is so stupid?! her dad dies becuz crates fall on him. her mom is dead because the floor caved in. she gets hurt on a tub.ranulf falls thru the floor.&her scars came from a random fire."youngest sister." they're both younger. "my younger sister." they're both younger!they keep sayin 2mara there wud be no more lies between them.&she kept sayin she shud leave but nvr did.i wanted her2 leave.why wud an author want their characters2 fall n luv n a matter of days?!"no other woman can compare 2u&i will nvr be attracted 2another.""he had met many other supposedly gorgeous women,who fit every mans dream of a goddess.every man but him."she says "w/a cunning sense of humor" but we dont get2 c examples."she had fallen in love.deeply,irrevoably." ugh that word makes me cringe.thanks twilight.after days of sayin ur gunna leave&then not u plan2escape durin the geese hunt.u dont,then say ur gunna ask2visit ur sisters.since wen do u need permission? so u manage 2draw out them gettin 2gether-&im surprised u drew it out that long-the very day when her sisters r supposed2come. rite durin the goose hunt wen there r like 20 men not far from them.&she gets bothered by her hairpins.when characters get bothered by the most trivial things it makes me wonder how they get dressed n the mornings.basically this bk is full of stuff i dint want2happen.everything kept happening n a way i hated.shes 1 of those authors who instead of givin the characters a real,meaningful connection,instead of them formin a slow relationship&spend quality time 2gether,they meet, start having feelings out of nowhere-primarily desire.call eachother soul mates&then end up kissin every time they're 2gether.which leads me2 believe this author got a lil hot&bothered &let her feelins carry away in her writin.instead of tryin2write believable romance."sex had been a physical release,nothin more." as if that makes it ok.im srry but this line made me wanna crack up."very soon...all wud pay."2nd time ranulf cackles.not only duz it not fit the situation,but i cant picture him or any guy cackling.unless hes old w/long white hair&no teeth.she finds the sisters "very beautiful." &just2 make bronwyn..brownie w/e the best candidate, lily has2 be flirty &immature makin him "thank god he wasnt goin2 have2marry her.""her family had not done lillabet ne favors protectin her like they had." how duz he no they protected her? i dont even no.&no1 as bitter as ranulf wud magically get over the past.he plans2 accept lilys proposal &then on that exact pg asks why lily had bronwyn lie4her. edyths &tyrs banter was funny&charming.why cant they be the main characters?!im disappointed they wont have their own bk.im glad tyr aint w/lily. ranulfs plan2 get bron.2admit her feelings2him was stupid.more unsaid things,more stupid insults.now hes about2marry lily.&bron.&edythe r forced on ppl they dk.the italicized words @every chapter r weird.cuz it aint the characters talkin.it shudnt be included on the chapter pg,but on a pg by itself."pretty girl,undeniably attractive-2all but him." u already said lily was "very pretty.""almost every1 of his men had stared@his supposed wife2be durin the dinner service.&ranulf cudnt blame them.if a man cud dream up the most beautiful woman evr created,most wud conjure lily." tell us again how shes not attractive2u.lily dint have2kiss ranulf on the cheek.&tory liked bronwyn.i felt betrayed wen he sed no1 compared 2lilys beauty."how was openly tellin her sister that her future husband had ben w/many women &made them all very deliriously happy going2help?" thank the lord that was sed.thats been done many times n bks.good on edythe 4havin sense.she had ben plannin2stay at syndlear&then tells tyr that it wud be 2hard becuz of memories of her dad.u've barely given him two thoughts.this bk has taken a very stupid turn.ranulf plans2 marry lily.bron.plans2marry sum guy.edythe2. &why do all sisters need2 be married?&wudnt laon want his eldest2get married,so why choose lily?i cant believe her sisters act.married ppl they dk! making out after luc left was ridiculous.ranulf had2 ensure that "she was still his." stupid? u bet.&wuts the big deal w/ranulf bein there wen laon died?after ranulf told her the secret wudnt tell them apart,im surprised she believed luc.the misundertandings n this bk r just weak.&wud luc hurry up&get out of the pic?how long can she drag that out?i hate wen characters dont do sumthin becuz of their emotions.she missed the sermon.why were her sisters gunna grieve l8r after findin out that ranulf was there wen they're dad died. u already knew he was dead.that duznt change nething.&if ur grieving is the same amount of time as last time,it'll last all of 3 mins.why wud she whisper "u wudnt dare hurt him" 2 luc?"i nvr have &nvr will desire anther." while sweet..its wrong! u've ben w/other women so thats false! hes not the perfect christmas gift@all.if that was my gift i'd return it.its centered during christmas,but oddly enuff it didnt capture the spirit of the holidays@all.the bk should&could have ended quite a while ago.i think she drew it out becuz she wanted2cover the holiday celebrations (italicized words@every chapter) so she had2keep comin up w/things to write about.lily says shes the 1who realized bron.&ran. were n luv when her&edythe heard@the same time becuz bron &ran were yellin."ranulf rolled his eyes." i hate2 point this out,but he only has1 eye.i found the 1st footing2be interesting.how cud her sisters not think bron.mite be n the fire hideout things their dad built?finally about2 be saved&she duznt call out cuz she thinks shes dreamin.&he thinks hes talkin2 a ghost.that was annoying.its amazing wut characters manage2 say out loud. like "my legs &arms need2 feel u around them."he tells bronwyn he gave lily 2gaurds w/o her knowledge but he told her2her face he was sending more.the romance just isnt exciting.he isnt that fearful.Deadeye isnt even scary.wuts the big secret about tyr not marryin?"winked @her w/his good eye." "face hardened2 a threatening grimace." i hate wen authors do stuff like this becuz if it wasnt the main character we'd be mad.its a good thing it was bronwyn dressed as a lady in waiting otherwise he wud be callin some girl beautiful and "her beauty went much further than skin deep." remember wen u sed u'd nvr like ne1 else?he duznt know its bron so its like hes talkin about a random girl.the queens plan was cool.like askin ranulf2guess his lady in waiting.i expected entertainment&humor during the bean king thing but nothing was funny.&i thought ranulf wanted2 be king.&i was wondering wen we were gunna find out how he got the scars.i was disappointed that the epilogue hadnt skipped time a lil.we dk if edythe is gettin an annulment.or is still sick or dying or wut.&i was hopin bronwyn wud say shes pregnant n here but it didnt happen.&the way the bk ended..did that mean she was pregnant or just hoping?ugh! bks shudnt leave u w/so many questions!bronwyn was supposed2 charm the king.instead of an impassioned speech,bronwyn brought up irrelevant things.this bk rlly needs2 be a series!it left us totally hanging!bronwyn promised him softly, "u'll learn 2ignore them." is that sumthin u promise softly?i thought as soon as ranulf called her angel &she sed dont call me that,she'd explain 2him why she duznt like it but she nvr did.'lily on the other hand,laughed. "srry.you obviously hoped we were sum1 else," she mumbled."' thats not sumthin u mumble,after u just laughed.'"i heard u the 1st 5 times," she moaned.' those r good examples of when authors use wrong words2 describe things.this is a bk where the sidecharacters are more interesting than the main ones(tyr &edythe). however, bronwyn&ranulf got better in the last few chapters.
review 2: I saw this recommended as a "beastly" book...the hero has been badly burned in a fire, and he is missing an eye. And he refuses to wear an eye-patch...Mr. One-Eyed Bad-Ass! There is some great chemistry between the beastly hero and the heroine who is determined to protect her sisters and village. Ever since reading Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley, I have shied away from longer books. I am still traumatized by the never-ending KA saga--although the book was very entertaining, the length was hideous, and I gravitate to shorter reads. Well, this book was quite lengthy, but I was enthralled with it from beginning to end. Loved the final scene with the King and Queen and their court.Who needs a freakin' eye patch?:^)Grade: A less
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i loved this book!!!! please write lily's and Edythe's stories too!!!
All her books are GREAT.I just loved Ranulf......saranghae
Nice read looking forward to Edythe's book.
3.5 Stars!
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